



Apple's designers made the concept of transparency quite fashionable (and they got me as well :-)

If you like the transparency of the modules and windows in kodisein or not is simply a matter of taste. It doesn't really change the way you work.

But in one aspect I extended the transparency idea and you should maybe know it:

Click Through Windows

When working with kosima you will eventually open some windows. Especially the inspector will be used quite often. The problem with windows is, that they float over your project's modules and partly obscure them. You can't do much about this, windows are still the most effective way to edit (alpha-) numerical data.

But I discovered that you still could use the (otherwise wasted) space between the single UI elements of the window to pick objects that lie behind the window. This 'pick trough' feature minimizes the need to shove windows around in order to select an obscured object.

Above you see the inspector for a camera module.

In the image below, the regions where you can't pick through the window are masked in white (the border of the window is used to drag it around):

Try it. If you work with kosima, you will start to love this feature after a while, I am sure.

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