

file browser


When you open or save a kodisein project or a texture set, there will appear a window with some strange objects in it. This is kodisein's file browser.

Files & Directories

Every blue sphere you see, is a directory. The biggest sphere at the base is the current directory (.). The coupled spheres below it represent the parent directory (..). You change to a directory by simply double clicking it.

All the other objects are files. Most of them are just little gray cubes because they are of no interest for you while working with kodisein.

There are currently 3 file types (recognized by their suffix) that are used by kodisein and therefore displayed as bigger and colorful objects:

  • project files (*.kds, orange)
  • texture sets (*.kts, light gray)
  • texture files (*.tga, *.tif, *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp, *.pcx, ... green)

If you click a file, its name will be displayed in the file selection field below the tree structure and to the left of the 'ok' button.

File Selection Field

If the graphical view of the filbrowser get's to slow or doesn't work the way you expect, you should maybe use the file selection field, which tries to simulate the behaviour of a normal shell.

The following table lists some special keys and their function while using the file selection field:

key function

auto complete filenames

if multiple files match the current prefix, repeated pressing iterates forward through the list of matching files

same as above, but iterates backwards through the list of matching files
a move cursor before first letter
e move cursor behind last letter
k delete from cursor to last letter
a select all

if current text is a directory: change to the directory

if current text is a file: opens or saves the file

The Filebrowsers Popup Menu

If you press while clicking in the filebrowser, there will appear a popup menu:


Change to the currently selected directory. Useful, if the framerate is to low to detect double clicks.

show more

Show one more level of the directory hierarchy. Be careful with this option, too many levels may drastically decreasy the framrate.

show less

Oposite of the above.

show dotfiles

(De)activate the display of files whose first letter is a dot.

hide cubes

(De)activate the display of the little gray cubes = 'uninteresting' files.

show texture(s)

Display the texture of the currently selected texture file or of all texture files in the currently selected directory.

>>> This is the last page of the general concepts section of the manual.

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