



3-D Navigation

The three application modes (module, object and play mode) and the file browser simulate a 3 dimensional space. You navigate this spaces in the same way.

Imagine, you are steering a flying camera through this spaces. A camera has a position, an orientation and a field of view (fov). The position of the camera is also called it's eyepoint, the orientation is defined by the vector from the eyepoint to the lookpoint and the up vector.

There are three possible navigation modes to change the position and orientation of the camera:


While rotating, you change the position and orientation of the camera simultaneously while keeping the look point constant.

Subjective effect: rotating the space around the look point.


When zooming, you keep the lookpoint and orientation, while changing the distance from the eyepoint to the lookpoint.

Subjective effect: the objects in space get bigger or smaller.


A translation keeps the orientation but moves both, the lookpoint and the eyepoint in the same direction.

Subjective effect: moving the space horizontally or vertically.

Switching between navigation modes

The default navigation mode is Rotate. Simply click and hold the mouse button anywhere in empty space and move the mouse.

There exist two ways to switch from Rotate to another mode:

  • click and hold one of the navigation buttons labeled 't' (Translate) or 'z' (Zoom) on the left side of the screen and move the mouse.
  • press and hold the (Translate) or (Zoom) key and click and hold the mouse button somewhere in empty space and move the mouse.

When you release the mouse button or modifier key, kodisein will automatically switch back to Rotate mode.

Shift modifier

When you navigate while holding down the SHIFT key, the following happens:

In Rotate (Translate) mode you will rotate around (translate along) the z-axis instead of the x- and y-axis.

In Zoom mode you will change the fov instead of the distance from eyepoint to lookpoint.

Focus & zoom on objects

If you pick an object and activate the menu item view > projection > focus on selection (or press it's shortcut 'f'), the lookpoint will be moved to the center of the object. The same happens, if you activate view > projection > zoom on selection (or press 'z') but the camera will zoom on the object as well.

Free & constrained rotation

kodisein keeps the up vector constant by default. This gives you a feeling where 'up' and 'down' is.

By activating the menu item view > mode > free rotation, you can freely orientate the camera but you will loose the 'up' and 'down' orientation.


Sometimes you may get 'lost in space'. In this case you simply activate view > projection > reset which moves the lookpoint back to the origin and resets the fov and eyepoint to lookpoint distance as well.

For each mode and project you may define a different reset projection by activating view > projection > set reset.

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